[Level 0 / 1,000]
Boost flux generation by 2x.
Currently 1x
Costs 10 Flux
[Level 0 / 1,000]
Add 0.5 to the base of #1.
Currently +0
Costs 100 Flux
[Level 0 / 1,000]
Add 1 to the base of flux gain.
Currently +0
Costs 500 Flux
Aural Prestige
Reset #0-#3 and get aura based on your flux.
Gain 0 Aura
[Level 0]
Boost flux generation by 1x.
Currently 0x
Costs 1 Aura
[Level 0 / 5]
Divide #1-#3 cost scaling by 1.05.
Currently /1
Costs 1 Aura
[Level 0 / 1]
Multiply flux gain by aura.
Currently 1x
Costs 1000 Aura
[Level 0 / 1]
Unlock exponentia, permanently.
Costs 1e20 Aura
[Level 0 / 1]
Automate #1-#3 and keep them on Aural Prestige, permanently.
Costs 1e50 Aura
[Level 0 / 0]
Multiply the exponentia cap by 1e100.
Currently 1x
Requires 1e1000 Exponentia
[Level 0]
Add to exponentia's exponent by 0.001.
Currently +1
Requires 1e50 Exponentia
[Level 0 / 4]
Add 0.01 to the exponent of #3's effect.
Currently ^1
Requires 1e100 Exponentia
[Level 0 / 4]
Add 0.1 to the exponent of flux gain.
Currently ^1
Requires 1e300 Exponentia
[Level 0 / 1]
Get 100% of your aura gain per second, permanently.
Requires 1e1200 Exponentia
[Level 0 / 1]
Exponentia is permanently uncapped, but the exponent only multiplies above 1e2,000.
Requires 1e2000 Exponentia
Consonance Wish
Reset #0-#17 and get consonance based on your aura.
Gain 0 Consonance
[Level 0 / 5]
Multiply flux and aura gain by 100.
Currently 1x
Costs 1 Consonance
[Level 0 / 1]
Boost exponentia's exponent based on aura, at a reduced rate.
Currently 1x
Costs 1 Consonance
[Level 0 / 10]
Increase the maximum level of #12 by 1.
Currently +0
Costs 5 Consonance